I had no problem slicing birdfeeder_40_body.STL to gcode with PrusaSlicer 2.2.0
But when I try to slicer the antlers, I get the following:
Empty layers detected, the output would not be printable.
Object name: birdfeeder_40_antlers_1.STL
Print z: 2.200000
This is usually caused by negligibly small extrusions or by a faulty model. Try to repair the model or change its orientation on the bed.
I've tried File > Repair STL File and but the resulting OBJ file returns the same error.
Also tried moving the model around, scaling to 105%.
Any ideas? I'll try using Simplify3D next.
Yes if you have Simplify3D, will be OK, or tell me what is your printer and we will slice it for you.